Thursday, April 7, 2011

To do...

Seriously I need to make a list. I keep thinking of things I need to do and then forget before I can do them.

My list (not in order of importance):
Letter to Katie encouragement for MAP test (due to her teacher TOMORROW)
Finish revising 8 definition of my freelance project (due by end of the week)
Birthday cards out for Tori's Jitterbug friends birthdays
Make a hair appt (yeah I like the blonde but it's expensive to upkeep and I think it's making me ditsy)
Excercise - I gotta get back on it! Supposed to run a 5K mid-May
Mop my floor - it's freakin nasty
Need formula from Target
Need Easter dress for Tori
Visit Easter bunny - Saturday
Call OB about a receipt for reimbursement
Bid on a few more jobs on Elance so I have some extra work for next month.
Continue Cyberbegging for Katie's walk to raise money at school for a track (See earlier blog post)

I'm sure there is more, I just can't think of anything right now and I want to get started on a few things that are on my list.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Katie and Jeff after they ran her first 5k in Novemeber 2010

2011 Green Tree Elementary Gator Walk

My 9 year old daugther, Katie, will be participating in a walk and she needs pledgers! The school is raising money to build a 1/4 mile paved track around the playground for the school and community to use. 100% of the donations go towards their $15,000 goal. The school has approximately 900 students. You can donate a set amount by clicking on my paypal donation button below. If you want to donate per lap, comment here with your name and pledge per lap. She thinks she can do 50 laps in 30 minutes. She has run a 5K in 60 pledge accordingly.

She will personally get a lot of usage out of the track. She participates in a program called Girls On the Run. GOTR builds girls self-esteem through running. She has already completed one 5K and is set to do another in May (with me...if I can keep up.) The girls practice at the school and currently use the "bus loop" parking lot. The track will be a welcomed addition. We thank you for your support.

You do NOT need a Paypal account to donate. If you want to Pledge Per Lap, I will send you an email with the total laps but she has to turn in the pledge form on the 25th. So please comment to let me know what you want to pledge.

PS - This entry is also my first offical "blog" entry. So feel free to follow me...I'm sure I have lots of interesting stuff to say...LOL